The Free Market and Its Enemies

Brian Hicks

Posted October 25, 2013

“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit,
extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others.”
— Ayn Rand

Governments worldwide and their central bank henchmen, using false and corrupted economic models, are trying to control all outcomes.

This should become obvious to anyone who studies what is actually happening, as compared to the bogus propaganda the mainstream media serves up on a daily basis.

As these flawed economic models are now openly failing, governments are becoming more desperate, because they don’t know what to do other than keep promoting what is not working.

A list of the things that are not working (to name a few) is becoming crystal clear to anyone who actually does any critical thinking…

  • Keynesian economic policies
  • QE to Infinity — that is, creating more and more money out of thin air to fix any and all problems
  • Falsifying or manipulating data for contrived purposes
  • Creating economic bubbles of all sorts throughout the economy and hoping for the best
  • Constantly lying to and or deliberately deceiving the people for the purposes of political power or elitist financial gain
  • A “kick the can down the road” mentality, instead of doing the right things now
  • Competing abused worldwide fiat currencies trying to figure out “What is a true store of value”?
  • Funding both sides of a war for profit, and manufacturing the consent of the public through the propaganda B.S. of the media

As this behavior is increasing, the chances of any real economic recovery or betterment for society in general are diminishing very quickly.

With every passing day, it appears we are pushing up against the limitations of these flawed economic and political belief systems. And the powers that be know it.

What is the Solution?

From my perspective, the free-market school of economics is a big part of a solution if we are to have a true economic recovery.

In a recent staff report from the Daily Bell, they concur with a free-market approach to our current predicament:

Central bankers have to step away from the printing presses and allow economies to subside back into normalcy. The longer they put off the purge, the worse it’s going to get. What is slowing economies down and what will likely prevent a meaningful economy is the vast baggage of ruined Western financial facilities that central banks are dragging behind them like misery’s manacles.

If central bankers want to end the pain and begin a real recovery, stop printing, let bankrupts unravel and let people begin to rebuild their communities, their local economies and even their extended family networks without endless monetary meddling and regulatory interference from on high.

Absent the relentless money stimulation, economies would calm down and so would business cycles. People would rediscover their independence and even regain a certain sense of meaningfulness in their lives based on sound money and the notion that more of the same was contained in their future.

A second part of a solution to what ails us is getting back to our constitutional values as a country.

Many of the Founders, despite their shortcomings, knew how to provide a constitutional structure conducive to peace, happiness, and prosperity — if future politicians wouldn’t change it.

But change it they have.

Just for comparison purposes, we should remind ourselves what things would be like if the United States had retained the inspired formula of the original Constitution… 

Constitutional scholar Cleon Skousen has given us the following:

  1. There would be no income taxes, no returns, and no audits.
  2. There would be no withholding tax.
  3. There would be no federal Social Security taxes, since the advantages of private social security would make the federal program obsolete.
  4. Taxes would be as the Founders intended: based on an excise tax or sales tax, where the rich pay more because they buy more.
  5. There would be no national debt.
  6. There would be no deficit spending.
  7. There would be an honest monetary system based on gold and silver as the Constitution originally intended; all currency would be redeemable in gold or silver on demand.
  8. The Federal Reserve would have been ruled unconstitutional. Even today, the Federal Reserve could be repealed by a majority of Congress under paragraph 31 of its original charter and have all of its assets turned over to the U.S. Treasury as required by the original act.
  9. The notorious Butler case of 1936 would never have been allowed. This is the decision of the Supreme Court that unlawfully changed the “general” welfare clause to include “private welfare,” opening the floodgates to socialism, profligate spending, and bloated budgets.
  10. No bank would be allowed to advance credit based on taxpayers’ bonds or to create fiat money (i.e. paper money out of nothing or without anything of value to back it up).
  11. Charter banks by the federal government as well as the states would have to make loans on existing assets, just as the government requires in Singapore today. The Singapore banks are flourishing because the people trust them.
  12. Profits from the U.S. National Bank would go into the nation’s general fund to cut down taxes.
  13. Profits from state banks would go to the states to cut down state taxes.
  14. No further foreign aid would be permitted, since there is no authority for foreign aid in the Constitution.
  15. Justice would be administered on the basic principle of repatriation to the victim instead of fines going to the state or federal government. Thomas Jefferson emphasized how well this principle worked for the Anglo-Saxons.
  16. There would be no Federal Education Agency, which the Founders warned against most vehemently.
  17. There would be no federal Medicare or Medicaid system, nor would there be national health care services. All of these services would be supplied by the local community or county. The government’s expensive and inefficient boondoggle promised so much to everybody that soon, the entire health care system was in jeopardy… The younger generation has forgotten that before the government got its tentacles into the system, hospitals were cheaper and more efficient while being run by the Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists, Methodists, Baptists, Shriners, and Latter Day Saints. The county hospitals could afford to take practically anyone, because the doctors all volunteered to work on the needy a certain percentage of the time — free of charge.
  18. All federal agencies would be subject to a sunset law. If they could not pass muster on constitutional grounds, they would be terminated at the end of the next fiscal year.
  19. There likely would be no 14th Amendment (which allows federal courts to intervene in state criminal cases). Certainly there would be no 16th Amendment (which gave Congress power to extract an income tax), no 17th Amendment (with Senators becoming popularly elected instead of appointed, thus losing their role of guarding states’ rights and sovereignty), no 23rd Amendment (which gives residents in the seat of government, Washington D.C., the power to vote, and the 25th Amendment would be sharply revised (giving the president power to freely appoint a successor for vice president without having Congress conduct a more scrutinized approval process with two-thirds vote).

After reading this list, most people will quickly understand just how America has been hijacked — and why these principles are not taught anywhere in our public education system.

The powers that be want the masses dumbed down so they won’t demand we ditch the current corrupt system that has now almost completely erased what the Founders gave us.

Today we have many enemies to the principles and ideas I have outline above.

In reality, there is probably little or no chance of escaping the coming collapse of our current unsustainable society. However, if we teach these principles to as many people as possible, we may be able to sift through the ashes after the consequences and create a better time and a better way of managing society based on free market principles and constitutional values.

I leave you with some great quotes regarding these issues…

“The popularized notion that an increase in the stock of money is socially and economically beneficial and desirable is one of the great fallacies of our time.” — Hans F. Sennholz

“Trying to get government to be as efficient as business is as hopeless as trying to teach cats to bark and dogs to meow.” — Walter E. Williams

“The costs of government are bound to be much higher than those of the free market…The State cannot calculate well and therefore cannot gauge its costs accurately.” — Murray N. Rothbard

“There is nothing so good that politicians can’t make it bad and nothing so bad that politicians can’t make it worse.” — Thomas Sowell

“No one can read our Constitution without concluding that the people who wrote it wanted their government severely limited; the words ‘no’ and ‘not’ employed in restraint of government occur 24 times in the first seven articles of the Constitution and 22 more times in the Bill of Rights.”
— Edmund A. Opitz

“The more government does, the greater the chance that its efforts will be tilted toward a particular group’s good, instead of the common good.” — Joel Miller

“The U.S. Constitution may be flawed, but it’s a whole lot better than what we have now.”Unknown

Until next time,

Greg McCoach for Wealth Daily 

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